Thursday, February 28, 2013

THEY'RE ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!

Whoa!!! The push has begun... for viruses to be classified as living organisms!

Why? Because they have immune systems! And by that, I mean they've begun to steal genes that code for restriction enzymes from bacteria. See, the single-celled have a lot on the line. With them, it's all or nothing. Consequently, most of the battles evolution has prepared them to fight are on the molecular level: most bacteria contain genes for enzymes that protect them from an invading virus' foreign DNA by snipping it into pieces. Some viruses have acquired this simple yet effective defense system, found in most prokaryotes as a means of protecting their DNA from being modified.

Let's be friends!

Does that make them living? I mean, they still need host organisms to reproduce... but they certainly do manage to multiply regardless. And the fact that they have immune systems now (whaaaat) means they're evolving. Looks like I need to start reading and writing more about the human virome. It's amazing!

Sadly, no word yet on the vagina virus forest. I will temper my disappointment by listening to Bjork's Virus- apparently, it was inspired in part by her experience with chronic Candida overgrowth!*

tl;dr? Viruses are close to being alive! They're evolving! With prokaryotic immune systems! Inside of us! Bjork is awesome!

*disclaimer: Candida is a yeast, btw/obv. the song is about symbiosis between hosts and parasites (i.e., the microbiota!)

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